Quality assurance around the clock
Quality assurance is a job that requires experience, accuracy, speed and the right tools. Up-to-date quality assurance at the pace of software development reduces unnecessary work, speeds up market entry, and ensures a pleasant customer experience for the end product user.
Quality assurance is a job that requires experience, accuracy, speed and the right tools. Up-to-date quality assurance at the pace of software development reduces unnecessary work, speeds up market entry, and ensures a pleasant customer experience for the end product user.
The sooner any defects are found and corrected, the faster the product can be put into production. This also improves the total quality. It is therefore commercially justified to take every aspect of quality assurance into account when planning a project, and to continue to take care of the agreed measures during the project.
Flexible and tailored testing service
We operate in the customer service industry and want to make our services as easy to use as possible. Symbio Adaptive QA is one great example of this. Our quality assurance service is always built according to the customer’s needs, either to supplement the customer’s own testing staff or Symbio taking responsibility for quality assurance entirely. It is possible to change the composition and scope of the service during the project according to the situation and needs.
Our goal is to serve our customers so well that they can focus on their own business with confidence. Adaptive QA enables a flexible service from the development of a quality assurance strategy to the testing of the entire development project. Testing can be done both manually and using test automation. Our experts can work at either the customer’s or Symbio’s premises. If necessary, we bring the testing tools with us.
Symbio’s experts are quality assurance professionals with years of experience in the industry. In addition to Finnish professionals, our Chinese offices have numerous testers ready for even the most challenging testing projects. The time difference between Finland and China enables us to serve our customers flexibly around the clock, and our testing experts are ready for testing projects coordinated from Finland.
For example, our customer Suunto takes advantage of this ”Follow the sun” model. Accurate, manual end-to-end tests defined by our customer have already been completed and the report with possible fault lists is already ready when the developers in Finland return to their workstations in the morning. New releases from several major international companies, such as PayPal, are also being tested in our China office.
User experience always comes first
Quality assurance is often thought of as an investment that yields nothing. In reality, it is what ensures that your investments work and pay off. Symbio has a long history of more than 20 years in quality assurance. Thanks to our experience, the testing services we offer are comprehensive and of a high standard. We know what quality assurance and testing is and what is the difference between them.
Automated testing has become an increasingly important part of day-to-day development and quality assurance. With AI and machine learning, we have developed new ways to leverage testing automation more efficiently. However, it must be remembered that while automation is in high demand in testing, manual testing still has its place. Nothing replaces a person in evaluating the experience of using a service. People are also needed to control and manage even the most intelligent test automation.
27.08.2018 | Articles