Symbio Tech Talk – API Testing Tool Postman
Last Friday we got together for an internal Symbio Tech Talk to discuss one of the best (at least I think so) API testing tool, Postman.
Last Friday we got together for an internal Symbio Tech Talk to discuss one of the best (at least I think so) API testing tool, Postman. We’ve started these informal, open-to-all staff Tech Talks few years back and they are very much part of Symbio’s information sharing and learning. There has been a plethora of topics covered in these talks, robots, test automation, coding practices, CI & CD just to name a few. This time we took a stab at an API Testing Tool, Postman.
Our audience was mostly test engineers and software developers who wanted to get started with Postman API client tool and try out some exercises. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, we held this talk in a virtual event. We (I) sure missed pizza (on a Friday at the tech talk) … very important part of any tech talks is the pizza, won’t you agree? 😉
Hopefully in the future when the pandemic is over, we can have these talks at the office – and have pizza and beer and fun!

What is Postman?
If you’re into API, then you should definitely check Postman out. By API I of course mean Application Programming Interface that allows software applications to communicate with each other via API calls. Postman is a fun interactive platform for API development, testing and automation. It is also a wonderful collaboration platform for API development. It offers wonderful community support and lots of material to get you started and keeps you going. Postman helps you go API-First development path in a breeze, offers effortless monitoring capabilities, and provides ways to mock endpoints for robust API development and CI/CD integration. Postman also scales with your API testing needs. And, all of this in my opinion, put it on the top of the list compared to the other tools and API builders.
After its humble beginnings in the early 2010s as a side project by Abhinav Asthana to simplify API workflow for testing and development, it has now more than seven million users and thousands of companies using this platform.
Here are some key features and uses of this API development and testing platform:
- API client
- Mock backend server for API requests
- API documentation creation
- CI/CD pipeline integration to execute tests on APIs
- Monitor API response and performance
- Work jointly in team or teams in Workspaces
How to get started?
Here below are some links for resources if you want to get started with Postman
- What is an API and why do you need one? - You can download Postman client from here
- Postman learning center
- List of features of Postman
Sayed Tenkanen, Test Automation Engineer
18.11.2020 | Events

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